This primary process is just about over. McCain will be the nominee, but Huckabee bloodied him in a Northern state with 38%. Not bad, and will do much better in Ohio and Texas (where I believe he will win). Possibly now setting himself up for a Vice-Presidential bid? Shhhh…no one’s talking yet.

The following post was earlier written on Red State, in response to a pretty arrogant and misinformed complainant against Gov. Huckabee. You can imagine what was said by that guy. So watch out below.

“Don’t spill you KoolAid. Oops….
You did!”

Uhhh,….Actually, I don’t drink KoolAid. Haven’t since age 12. You’re dreaming again, just like Club for Growth and Cato’s image (or shall I say ‘mirage’? Yes, I can.)of Gov. Huckabee’s record. I’ll be quick.

1. The tax increase on diesel fuel was on interstate trucking traffic only. It was done to meet a situation of a budget shortfall and disastrous roads in Arkansas. The alternative, since they were dealing with court orders on balanced budgets with no further room for budget cuts (which had already been done by 11-18%), was to simply hike the general sales tax. Conservative tax theory states that, when necessary, as here, strictly-targeted taxes, such as user fees, etc., are preferable to general taxes.

2. The general sales tax increase was, again, in response to a court order to raise revenues to cover a budget shortfall. The Governor was not allowed to erase the shortfall by more budget cuts. And it was only a 7/8 of a cent rise, which at 6% is still much lower than most states.

3. The cigarette increase was of the same kind, to make up for the budget shortfall, was targeted for state Medicaid programs, and to prevent a loss of 3/1 ratio federal funding. Know any governors who would turn down tens of millions of dollars of federal matching funds for indigent health care? The alternative? Go back to the people for fresh looting and explain why his conservative principles have now lost federal money and caused him to either demand more money in general taxes or close down much of the state Medicaid program, which would probably violate federal law/guidelines, triggering a rush of lawsuits by your friends and mine—that’s right—Democrat trial lawyers!

4. On the Mexican consulates–Sorry, no KoolAid again, except the green stuff that your downing. They were one of over 40 countries that Gov. Huckabee visited and set up trade missions or consulates in order to further business relationships with Arkansas business and ensure LEGAL activities representing their foreign nationals in the state. Remember he had a firm called Wal-Mart that has given a major second chance for prosperity for the state. There is no truth to the notion that the Governor personally encouraged the Mexican governmsnt in issuing Matricula Consular cards to anyone, much less to illegals.

5. On changes in position at the onset to a campaign, that is much more typical of people who are having to conform earlier-held positions to the new realities of seeking the Presidency. Ronald Reagan advocated broad tax increases to end the large budget deficit in 1976. It was not until a conversation with Jack Kemp and Arthur Laffer that Reagan chose to champion the broad tax cuts he achieved.

6. Oh, and Mitt Romney raised taxes by $721 million in just 4 years, as opposed to Huckabee’s record over 11 years. Rudy Giuliani had increased taxes as mayor as well in New York.

7. On anything ethical? On all issues, including the $70,000 furniture they were all dismissed in court as nonsensical and void of merit, the work of Mike’s enemies, who are part of the Bill Clinton machine. Once again, a little problem with hallucinatory green ooze, hmmm?

8. On foreign policy: I admit, that was Mike’s weakness, initially. However, on closer examination, Gov. Huckabee explained in a later debate in New Hampshire that he was really referring to the actions of Donald Rumsfeld in stubbornly refusing to listen to the counsel of battlefield commanders concerning the battle with insurgents and with his cavalier failure to provide proper battle armor for vehicles against IEDs. Furthermore, on the issue of Iran, he noted that jumping into war may not be wise when the populace already is overwhelmingly against their own leaders and strongly sympathetic to the USA (candlelight vigils in Tehran, celebrations in Gaza on 9/11).

9. On the military: He made the adjustments in that area in the most responsible way. The Governor promised, if elected, he would match Pres. Reagan’s buildup of the military in the 80s to 6% of GDP, roughly doubling the amount of military spending, including large increases in land forces, the Marines, and especially in restoring Pres. Reagan’s 600-ship Navy. A purpose in it? Oh yes, it’s called a resurgent Russia and a dangerous China.

10. On immigration: Wanting kids who went to school in Arkansas from ages 6-18, and who, because of their age, were eligible, due to section 245i of the Immigration and Nationalization Act, to apply for legal resident status, IS a great deal different than supporting mass amnesty without exception and providing no border security, allowing mass incursions of the next 15 million illegals into the country.

Sorry, I’m drinking champagne. I’ll chat more later, I imagine.

—The Old Alcalde—